针对 & 测量常见问题:下一步是什么?

贴在 2022年9月1日星期四 | IAB英国

Why are third-party cookies being phased out? 你应该如何准备? Get your head around the key questions in this space with our 常见问题

1. Why is digital advertising shifting away from third-party identifiers? 

逐步淘汰第三方cookie和标识符的原因之一是希望创建更加注重隐私的在线环境. 然而, it’s important to understand that ‘privacy’ is a very subjective term. 从根本上, 使用cookie(以及任何其他类似的基于设备的信息或标识符)或个人数据必须遵守数据保护和电子隐私立法. 

While t在这里 is much talk of ‘the loss of cookies’, we at the IAB believe that our industry has a huge opportunity. 通过创建目标和测量解决方案,在设计上符合当前的数据保护法, rather than retrofitting pre-existing strategies to keep pace with changes in this space, we can create a more functional digital ecosystem that works for all parties - consumers, 广告商和媒体所有者. Rather than focusing on the loss of third-party cookies, 我们敦促整个行业专注于通过开拓新的在线定位和衡量方式来获得什么. 我们面临的挑战是,如何开发出另一种方法来定位和衡量在线广告,同时又不会破坏广告资助的网络的经济可行性——确保我们的数字生态系统仍然是广告资助的, 多元开放.


2. 什么时候发生的?? 

苹果的Safari和Mozilla的Firefox浏览器已经停止使用第三方cookie. Google’s Chrome is the biggest web browser by far and, 在2020年初, Google announced that it would deprecate third-party cookies on Chrome by the start of 2022. This timeline has recently been extended to 2024 - you can find more details 在这里

在移动领域,苹果 改变了方法 to its Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) in 2021, making in-app tracking for advertising opt-in by default. 与此同时, Google has launched a 专注于移动设备的隐私沙盒 at the start of 2022 to develop “new, 更多的私人广告解决方案将限制与第三方共享用户数据,并在没有跨应用标识符的情况下运行, 包括广告ID”. It describes this as “a multi-year initiative” and, 当它发射时, said that it plans “to support existing ads platform features for at least two years”.  


3. And it’s just third-party cookies that are being deprecated, not first-party? 

Yes, first-party cookies will continue to operate on all browsers. 这些是由一个人正在访问的网站放置的cookie,它只会在你访问该网站时运行. First-party cookies help to inform the advertising that you see, 此外,它还能记住你的语言偏好,或者——如果你是在零售网站上——你的购物篮里存了什么东西. Third-party cookies are set by a third-party company, rather than the website being visited. 它们目前在整个数字生态系统中被利用,以广告为目标受众,并衡量活动的表现, 其他功能. 


4. What are the alternative solutions that are available? 

目前有许多不同的解决方案可供使用或正在开发中——您可以从IAB英国会员那里看到整个行业提供的解决方案 在这里. These fall into two broad groups: linked and unlinked audiences. 链接受众描述了目标定位策略,其中发布者和广告商受众可以使用标识符直接链接-可以是1:1级别,也可以是聚合级别. Options in this space include Privacy Sandox’s 主题, which focuses on linking advertisers with groups of people with shared interests, 和UID 2.0 that establishes a 1:1 connection with an individual. 

At the other end of the spectrum, 无关联受众是指无法将发行商的受众与广告商的受众直接联系起来的定位策略, and so advertisers cannot identify users at an individual level. 这种方法以纯情境解决方案为中心,广告商根据受众正在消费的内容来定位受众.


5. 有领跑者吗?

No, it’s not a competition w在这里 one solution will win 和refore be used by everyone. 在这个数字化的新时代, 不太可能有一种放之四海而皆准的方法来填补第三方cookie目前提供的功能范围. 而不是, t在这里 will be a spectrum of addressability across the web, with some environments w在这里 people are completely anonymous, others w在这里 they are completely addressable, and some w在这里 we have a mix of both. 至关重要的是,发行商和营销人员必须了解所有的解决方案,以及哪种方案最适合他们. 


6. What is the industry currently doing to prepare? 

我们现在所处的位置是,许多替代的定位和测量解决方案都处于测试阶段,我们向会员和更广泛的行业发出的信息是参与进来. Start by identifying your company’s targeting and measurement needs, before considering which solutions are relevant to you. 只有通过试用可用的解决方案,你才能看到它们在现实世界中的作用, what works and w在这里 more development is needed. Above all, you will need to ensure that how you’re using any solution is compliant with 英国GDPR Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)


7. What is IAB英国’s role in all of this? 

Feedback from our members is that they don’t want to be told what to do, 但他们希望能够获得所需的信息,以便为他们制定正确的目标和衡量策略. 因此,我们不会认可任何特定的解决方案,因为对一个广告商有效的解决方案可能不适合另一个广告商——这取决于您的目标和您可用的用户数据. 然而, 通过绘制出市场上的解决方案类型以及每种解决方案的关键考虑因素——就像我们所做的那样 在这里 -我们的目标是为广告商和我们的会员提供他们需要的信息,以便为他们选择最佳选项. 看看我们的 解决方案目录 for a more detailed look at some of the products currently available, and how to find out more. 我们还与我们的成员合作,促进他们参与跨行业工作组——主要是IAB技术实验室的项目研究和谷歌的隐私沙盒.

我们的主要信息是:使用这些资源来阅读所提供的内容,然后进行试用. 谷歌延长了第三方cookie的最后期限,以给公司更多的喘息空间来为这一转变做准备. 作为我们的 首席执行官乔恩·纽说明智地使用它. 


8. 监管机构在说什么?? 

In an Opinion published at the end of 2021, 伊丽莎白·德纳姆, the then-Information Commissioner, 他说:“我正在寻找解决方案,消除侵入性的在线跟踪和分析行为, and give people meaningful choice over the use of their personal data. 我的办公室不会接受基于复制或寻求维持现状的潜在广告技术概念的建议.“更 在这里

与此同时, 英国竞争与市场管理局(CMA)一直在调查谷歌的隐私沙盒(Privacy Sandbox),该公司正在为行业开发替代的定位和测量解决方案,以确保开发的任何解决方案都不会在市场上不公地偏袒谷歌. 阅读这方面的dsn彩乐园网址消息 在这里


9. 我该从哪里开始呢? 

If you haven't already got a strategy underway to evolve your targeting and measurement strategy, it’s essential that you’re investigating the options that might work for you. 先阅读我们的 概述 看着 解目录. 你也可以找到我们的 测量工具 在这里, 关于如何执行不依赖于点击率的衡量策略的大量建议. 



10. W在这里 can I find other useful resources? 

Other sources that you might find useful include: 


目标定位的未来 & 测量

With third-party identifiers becoming increasingly obsolete, what options do advertisers have when it comes to targeting and measuring their online audiences? We explore what’s happened to date and guide you through the strategies available.






资源 to help you get ready for cookie deprecation


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Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.